Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's All Good As Long As You Both Suck At the Same Thing.

Conversation two weeks ago between Brian and I.

B:  What do you want to do for our anniversary this year?
H:  Is that this week?
B:  No, it's the 16th.
H:  Are you sure?  I'm thinking it's the 14th.
B:  I'm pretty sure it's the 16th.
H:  Which anniversary is this?  Our 7th?
B:  No, this will be our 5th anniversary.
H:  Feels more like 7 years.
B:  What's that supposed to mean?
H:  I don't know, just feels seveny to me.

A very similar conversation happens every single year.
I have no idea why we can't remember this date.

I was very proud of myself this morning 
when I remembered that today was the 16th
and I wished my husband a Happy Anniversary 
as I handed him a cup of coffee.

Brian just left for work and I decided to look at our marriage license
to see how many years it's been.
Turns out we were married on January 14, 2007.

That means that our anniversary was two days ago
and we've been married for 6 years.
Not five, not seven, but six.

We suck.
But at least we suck together.



just call me jo said...

And the real bonus is that you still love each other even though you're both sooo confused. The only way Rick and I can remember our anniversary is it's two days before his birthday and the year before Rachel was born. (It's so easy with those markers--see we're not confused at all.) Happy Anniversary two days ago and six years ago.

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary! Today is also my daddy's 58th birthday! We haven't forgotten our anniversary or how many years it is yet (married 9 years in May, together 14) but I am forgetting how old I am. Maybe since I hit 30 (i'll be 33 in April) and I am married and have a kid it doesn't really matter anymore, since I have everything I need. But I hope the both of you have a lovely day!!!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

You guys are too cute! "it just feels seveny to me" sounds like something I would say. By the way Happy Anny 2 days gone.

Kris said...

Oh Holly, thanks for the laugh. You guys are hysterical!!!!
Happy (late) a great couple!!!

larainydays said...

Happy Anniversary. I think you need a personal assistant named Hans who has a Scandinavian sensibility for organization.

Lynn said...

I love it! Happy Anny:@)

Whosyergurl said...

Holly, Whatever day (or year) you are still together (which is something to celebrate these days) and happy together.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! xo, Cheryl