Saturday, January 19, 2013

I Wouldn't Smoke That

Yesterday was a good day.
Made chili.
I like mine with Fritos.

Enjoyed my flowers that Brian 
brought home the other night
after learning that we missed
our anniversary.

I had read somewhere, a couple of months ago, 
that if you are going to do a project with burlap
to be sure to use the treated burlap 
because the untreated burlap smells bad.

I filed this information in my mind,
because we all know that nothing gets lost in there.

Today I went out and bought some burlap 
to make a wreath for my front door.
And know what?
Untreated burlap smells bad.

Online it says that burlap has a strong hemp smell.
Well, I can tell you, 
I never smoked anything that smelled like this burlap.

Since the wreath is going to be used 
outside on the front door,
I figured that I could live with it.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday.
In the low 70's.
Just perfect after all our cold weather.

I opened up all the doors and windows and aired out the house.
But as the breeze wafted through the screen door
it brought the stench with it.

I'm thinking that the stink will wear off.
Or keep solicitors away.
Linking up with Classy Clutter.


just call me jo said...

Treat burlap with what? How does one cover the smell of potato sacks? Oh, the wreath. And the chili looks divine. Do you think that cart will even fit in my car? Just wondering.

Lynn said...

It does look like you had a good day! Love the pretty burlap bow-let me know if it keeps the solicitors away:@)

Sunny Simple Life said...

Uh oh what's it say when you have been married so long we forget anniversaries?

Kris said...

I love the wreath Holly! Burlap does stink!!!! But I love your way of thinking.....keep the unwanted off the front porch! Brilliant!! I think I might just go toss a wad of it out on the porch right now!!!
The weather has been glorious. But I do miss the cold. My family is up at the cabin without me. I am hope to recoup from this awful crud!
Love and miss my friend!!!
xo Kris

Whosyergurl said...

Your flowers are beautiful! We had some good weather, yesterday. Will be down to SEVEN on Tuesday a.m. YIKES. xo, Cheryl

Amy said...

Cute wreath. If the smell keeps the solicitors away, I might have to make one.

Anonymous said...

ooo, it does smell, I always thought it was the pig feed that smelled but it was the burlap sack it was in!! Your wreath is lovely, hope it keeps the beggers away!

Genn said...

Stinky untreated burlap, who knew?! I'm laughing about keeping solicitors away though. I hope it does at least that!!! :)