Monday, February 25, 2013

Internet Constipation

Have you ever lost all the plumbing in your house
and your couldn't use your toilet for 2 weeks?

And all your neighbors left town
and you couldn't borrow their bathrooms?

And all the gas stations within a 6 mile radius closed shop
and there were no public restrooms?


Losing my computer for two weeks felt a little like that.
Like holding a virtual bowel movement for two weeks.

My apologies to all hurricane survivors who
have lost both your toilets and your Internet.
I see the seriousness of this now.

I finally got my computer back from the hospital
and so far she seems to have recovered nicely.

Strangely enough,
I really don't have anything interesting to post today.
I've kept myself busy working in the yard a bit.

The garden is coming along nicely.

I have romaine and butter lettuce popping up.
My tomato and pepper plants are growing slowly but surely.

No sign of the melons, corn, carrots, potatoes or onions yet.

The strawberries are looking good so far though.

I was able to get some flowers planted.

I love my potting bench and use it everyday.

I'm seeing signs of spring with the new growth on my favorite tree
outside my kitchen window.

We spend a lot of time out here just relaxing and 
also eating dinner when it's not too chilly out.

We have been grilling something almost every night.

I think my herb garden survived the cold mornings.

I'm going to play catch up on some blogs but I know I missed a lot.
If I have missed anything earth shattering,
please let me know.



Robyn said...

Your garden looks so good! And those flowers, ah so nice to see beautiful flowers! Im so tired of looking out my windows and seeing everything so bare and wintery still.. I wish Spring would hurry up and hit SC already but we are in for another blustery week and weekend this week...Im glad you got your computer back.. The umm, virtual bowel movement? LOL!!!! I SERIOUSLY belly laughed.. LOL

Kris said...

Holly, the house and gardens are looking wonderful!!! I so wish I could come sit with you and sip something cold to drink!!! I have not begun to plant yet, but I will very soon!!
I missed your posts...glad you are no longer constipated!!!
xo Kris

Unknown said...

So glad your "plumbing" is fixed.
Because #1 - we missed you and
#2 - we missed you

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Can I come to your house and sit on your patio? Mine is under about 5" of snow at the moment. Thanks.

Your garden is coming along nicely, glad you got the computer fixed, and happy that the snow you got didn't damage anything there. Strange stuff!

Me? I'm dreaming up ideas of what to plant in May.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh what a beautiful area you have outside, its amazing! Its so hard for me to see flowers being planted when we are under many mnay feet of snow, its a treat to my winter weary eyes,.I'm so glad you're back, I missed you,

Tammy said...

I want to come visit!!!!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

your garden? yeah I am jealous......

Linda said...

Everything looks wonderful! I love that brick jealous...the potting table too...awesome have a great afternoon!!

larainydays said...

I'm so glad your Internet constipation wasn't terminal. Nothing happened while you were gone. Sigh.

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Your garden and your flowers are making me jealous - we still have loads of snow and more on teh way. I love your potting bench. I would love to have one to decorate - more than to use for potting ;)

deb said...

your garden and yard is amazing..I love your style!

Genn said...

HOlly, your outside space is just beautful!!!
It makes me want to run to Home Depot and start working on our outdoor space. It could use some sprucing up around here.
I love your garden bench! So cute the way you've got it all set up too.
And what a great use of space where you built your garden! Looks so good.
I hope you get lots of great produce this spring.

Also, so glad your computer is fixed! All that virtual bathroom talk sounded just awful. ;)

Kelly said...

Welcome back! I missed you.

Willow said...

So glad I happened across your blog I have been sick with the flu and under the weather (literally as I live in Snowy New England! ) You gave me a laugh and a peek at what may come after the saw melts here. Thanks for that , just what I needed!

Willow said...

Sorry meant "after the "SNOW" melts here " lol must be the Nyquil

just call me jo said...

Well, no wonder your neck is sore. You've been a busy little bee out there. Your yard looks WONDERFUL!!!! I'm so jealous. I have lots of gravel and Barley hair all over. I think I'll pass posting about it.