Saturday, April 7, 2012

Oh The Carnage!

Remember last year?
I do.

Spring has sprung
which means flowers are blooming
bees are buzzing
and I have blood all over my carpet again.

No sign of the bunny corpse this time.
Maybe the dog ate it.

Life is grand.



RoeH said...

Yuk! These animals that insist of bringing home and showing off their trophy's to us. Hank hasn't learned that trick yet. Except for a mouse he caught on the patio and I wouldn't let him eat it. yukyukyukyuk

just call me jo said...

I don't remember the blood last year. I think that might be as bad (or worse than) throw up. Dang dogs and kids. What ya gonna do? Please call me when you're ready to chat. I'm in a funk again.

corners of my life said...

Nail that cat door shut.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Easter bunny froze to death in my blogging friends home country of Sweden which is in the midst of a deep freeze (thats what he told me) and here the bunny came to its end in your living room in Arizona, wow!Does this mean no treats !
You know thats a really gross photo, something made me think of CSI when I saw that!

Tresa said...

Poor little Bunny. But I guess the cat is happy. Sorry you had to face that.

Happy Easter!


I feel so sorry for the bunny's demise. But having two cats, myself, I must admit I understand. Pray tell, rabbit is not WHAT you are having for dinner, is it? Just the cat's feast, right? LOL HAPPY EASTER. Enjoy!

Kris said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That looks like a crime scene!!!! I hope you have a carpet cleaner! Poor Bun Bun!!!!
Happy Easter sweet friend of mine!!!

Whosyergurl said...

ICK. How are you going to get that blood out? This is why I do not like a pet door. We've had Doug's cat bring birds into the house. Yuck and gross.
Happy Easter! love, Cheryl

deb said... have no words:(

Robyn said...

Oh My gosh! I wasn't reading your blog last year.. The blood on the carpet? Is this an annual thing? LOL..I do hope you can get the stains out.. A very blessed Easter to you and your loved ones! :)

larainydays said...

How I wish I were there to sing "The Circle of Life" with you.

Genn said...

Oh the carnage!
That looks a bit scary!
Hope that cleaned up ok. ;)

Hope you had a nice Easter too Holly!